Privacy Policy Statement - Rocksure Group Limited 2024


Rocksure Group Limited collects and processes data about enquirers, shareholders and their guests to promote, deliver and improve our services. This privacy statement describes what personal data we collect, how we use that data and how our processing meets your expectation and conforms with the updated General Data Protection Regulations which took effect 25th May 2018. 


Why we process personal data

We process personal data about enquirers, their guests and shareholders before, during and after their trips which enables us to facilitate the provision of local and overseas accommodation along with other ancillary services surrounding their stays, the information supports our business interests which include:

  • Making enquirers, their guests and shareholders aware of news and developments and offers from Rocksure Group Limited
  • Providing services to our guests and shareholders and recording the services we have provided
  • Managing the health, welfare, safety and security of our guests and shareholders
  • Handling enquiries, complaints and investigations
  • Monitoring and improving the quality of our services
  • Researching and understanding market needs to improve our marketing effectiveness and the needs of all guests;
  • Working with our partners, such as individual property owners, hotel groups, resorts etc to manage the accommodation booked and any ancillary services booked around the trip and to help improve the quality of all services

We also process personal data about job applicants, current and former employees, service providers, travel agents and other groups of individuals in the course of employment and business operations, and this data is subject to our internal privacy policies.


What data we Collect
Enquiries: Personal details (name, address, country of residence etc.), Contact details (home address, phone number, email address etc.)
Bookings: Personal details for all guests, contact information, booking preferences (ie destinations, interests etc), financial details for payment (credit card, bank details etc), dietary requirements, feedback from trips

Shareholders: personal details, contact information, booking preferences (ie destinations, interests etc.) financial details for payment (credit card, bank details, tax information etc.), dietary requirements, feedback from trips
Enquiries & Complaints: personal details, contact information, enquiry and complaint information.
Surveys / Feedback / Research: Responses to post travel surveys to help improve products and services that are being offered.


Personal Data generated by your interactions with Rocksure / Group Limited
Your interactions with us will result in personal data being created and stored by us. Examples of these include:

  • Enquiries – correspondence about travel or products
  • Bookings – lead guest and their guests personal details, length of stay, details of accommodations and ancillary services booked and related payments of such bookings
  • Feedback, Compliments & Complaints – all correspondence associated with a trip including feedback during or after a trip along with any necessary investigations required to respond to a compliment or complaint.


Personal Data we Create
We sometimes analyse the personal data we hold in order to improve the effectiveness of our direct marketing communications. This can, in turn, generate personal data; for example, showing you marketing communications on the Rocksure website which is likely to be of interest to you.


Personal Data from Other Organisations
We receive personal data from other individuals or third party organisations. For example, when making a booking we will receive details of all guests in the booking party from the agent or individual making the booking. We may receive personal data from third party organisations including travel agents processing bookings on a guest’s behalf, from competitions or auctions where personal data has been provided as part of the competition or auction or from social media where personal data has been posted on our social media pages.


Storage of Personal Information
The information that we gather through our registration forms and through any subsequent correspondence is stored on secure servers, databases, website servers, eshot provider, accountancy packages or files so that we can fulfil your requests for further details or bookings. All efforts are made to prevent unauthorised access and ensure the data is secure. This information is held in the strictest confidence and never traded or sold to third parties.  You may, at any time, indicate that you wish your information to be deleted from our mailing lists or our database, and we will do so accordingly.  This Rocksure Group Limited website adheres to and complies with the principles developed under the European Unions Directive on General Data Protection Regulation.


We do not trade personal data for commercial purposes and will only disclose it if required by law, or if you have booked a travel product with the Rocksure Group and it is necessary to make your travel arrangements with Rocksure and our service providers, or with your consent. 


To contact The Rocksure Group with a data protection query regarding the processing of your personal data please use the Contact Us form found on our home page of the website or email


Sensitive Personal Information
We do not process any sensitive personal data which relates to special categories, such as genetic or biometric data.

We do process personal data about children only to provide services when they are guests, but do not seek to collect personal data about children for any other purpose.


How we Process Personal Data
We use personal data with your consent, or where it is necessary in order to:

  • Enter into a contract and deliver services to you
  • Where it is our legal obligation to so

We will only use personal data about you for the purpose(s) it was collected for or closely related purposes, and will inform you or seek your consent if we need to use it for other purposes. We believe that all these purposes are justified on the basis of our legitimate interests in running and promoting the business, our contractual requirements to deliver the agreed services to you, and our legal obligations, the exception is for sending email marketing which we carry out on the basis of consent.  We will retain information about you for the duration of our relationship with you.


If you enquire about our services, we will ask for your consent to provide you with news and offers about our services that you may find of interest.  Depending upon your preferences, our communications with you may include:

  • Email: We monitor our email communications, including where emails are undelivered and whether or not they appear to have been read. We may cease sending you email communications should we be unable to deliver email to you.
  • Post: We may from time to time send postal communications including brochures, newsletters and offers. Where letters are returned to us we take steps to update our records. We may cease sending you postal communications if we believe we are no longer able to contact you at the address on file.
  • Calls: Calls made to us, and calls received from us, may be recorded for the purposes of audit, training and the monitoring of services provided by us.
  • Web: Visitors to our website may be tracked using analytics methods described in our Cookies Policy below.
  • Text: We may from time to time send text communications including news and offers. We monitor any text communications, including where they are undelivered. We may cease sending you text communications should we be unable to deliver them to you.

You may withdraw or amend your consent to receive news and offers at any time.


Bookings / Shareholders
When you make a booking we will collect personal data about you and other travelers in your group to effect the booking, including your names, genders, dates of birth, home addresses, phone, email, details of any dietary requirements, specific preferences relating to the booking you have selected, and your payment details. We need this data to enter into a contract with you.


Additional information to facilitate your booking may include passport, insurance details and emergency contact information for you and your booking party which is necessary to  provide our services to you. We may have to share your personal data with other companies such as tour guides, property owners in order to provide additional services to you.

If you provide us with personal data about any other individuals included in a booking, you must have the authority of those individuals to provide their personal data to us for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, and will remain accountable for the information provided. It is the responsibility of the booking leader to ensure that personal data about the group is accurate and up to date.


Understanding your needs
The personal data you provide to us or which we obtain through your dealings with us may be analysed for the following purposes:

  • To personalise our news, offers and services to your interests
  • To track the response to our marketing communications
  • To review, develop and improve the services we offer (including market research);
  • For statistical analysis.


Sharing personal data
We process personal data about enquirers their guests and shareholders from all over the world.  Enquiries and bookings are processed in the UK, where our systems may be accessed by Rocksure Group staff only.

We contract other companies and individuals to perform certain activities on our behalf. Examples include:

  • Processing payments: banks, payment service providers;
  • Sending postal or e-mail communications: couriers, e-mail service providers;
  • Providing travel services: transfer companies, airlines, property owners, other service providers, hotel groups

These contractors have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but are not permitted to use it for other purposes.

If you make a booking we may pass your personal information on to other relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements such as airlines, hotels and transport companies. Your personal information may also be passed to security and credit checking companies, credit and charge card companies. We are required to co-operate with government and law enforcement agencies and the public authorities of any country in your itinerary.


Transferring personal Data to third countries
We collect and process personal data in the UK. We may need to process your personal data worldwide, depending upon the destinations you travel to with us, for example if we have to provide personal data to airlines or excursion operators in destination countries. This may involve sending your personal information between different countries, including countries outside the UK where controls on data protection may not be as strong as the legal requirements in the UK. We use legal mechanisms (‘standard contractual clauses’) and technical and procedural controls to safeguard personal data.


Your Rights

As an individual whose personal data is processed by the Rocksure Group Limited you have these rights:

  • The right to be informed, which is what this privacy policy statement is for
  • The right to access what data we hold about you
  • The right to object to direct marketing – either use the unsubscribe option or contact us directly
  • The right to object to processing carried out on the basis of legitimate interests
  • The right to erasure (in some circumstances)
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to have your data rectified if it is inaccurate
  • The right to have your data restricted or blocked from processing

If, at any time, you want to verify, update or amend your personal data please email

You also have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (hyperlink   



Website Disclaimer / Legal Statement 2022

This website and the information contained within have been specifically compiled for the purpose of providing information about Rocksure Group Limited  its business partners and subsidiaries. This site is intended only for your personal non-commercial purposes – all other rights are reserved.


Efforts are made to ensure that the site and the information contained within are current and accurate, but please note that Rocksure Group Limited does not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy or completeness of the information and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions. No warranty of any kind, whether implied, expressed or statutory is given in conjunction with the information or the site itself.


Rocksure Group Limited cannot guarantee uninterrupted access, that there will be no delays, failures, errors, omissions or loss of transmitted information or that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage occur to your computer system. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of your data/equipment.


Sharing Pages
We use sharing functionality to enable visitors to our site to share pages they may find of interest with others via their preferred social media application, such as Facebook and Twitter.  Please note that social media sites have their own privacy and security features that you need to be aware of.


We may from time to time establish relationships with other organisations that will enable you to access the web sites of such organisations directly from our site. Each individual organisation operates its own policy regarding the use and sale of personal information and the use of cookies. If you have a particular interest or concern regarding the way your personal information will be used then you are advised to read the privacy policy statement on the relevant site.

We will try to provide you with links to high quality, reputable sites which we believe will be of interest and relevant to you, but please note that such third party sites are not under our control and we do not contribute to the content of such sites. When you click through to these sites you leave the area controlled by us. We cannot accept responsibility for any issues arising in connection with either the third party's use of your data, the site content or the services offered to you by these sites.


Cookie Policy: Cookies and How We Use Them

Cookies are small text files that are stored in a computer’s web browser memory. They help website providers with things like understanding how people use a website, remembering a user’s login details, and storing website preferences. The information below explains how we use cookies and other similar technologies to help us ensure that our website functions properly, analyse and improve our services in accordance with our Privacy Policy above.


How We Use Cookies
Our website, like most websites, use cookies to collect technical data on how our site is used. We may change the cookies periodically as we improve or add to our website functionality, but we generally use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To Operate our Services - Some cookies are essential to the operation of our website.  We use those cookies in a number of different ways, including:
    • Authentication - We use cookies to remember your login state so you don’t have to login as you navigate through our site.
    • Site Features and Services - We use cookies to remember how you prefer to use the website that you don’t have to reconfigure your browser settings each time you login.
  • To Analyse and Improve our Services - Cookies help us understand how to make our website work better for you.  Cookies tell us how people reach our website and they give us insights into improvements or enhancements we need to make to our website.


How We Use Other Technologies
Third Party Analytics. We use Google Analytics, which uses cookies and similar technologies, to collect and analyse information about use of the services and report on activities and trends. This service may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources. You can learn about Google’s practices on the Google website. Please see below for more on how we use third party analytics.


Cookie Name: Google
Purpose: Used for analytics and service improvement
Optout link:

How To Manage Cookies
Your web browser should allow you to control how you wish to handle cookies by changing your cookie preferences, including deleting and disabling cookies. Please consult the help section of your web browser or follow the links below to understand your options, but please note that if you choose to disable cookies, some features of our website may not operate as intended.


Cookie List
Cookies that we commonly use are listed below. This list is not exhaustive, but describes the main reasons we typically set cookies.

Cookie Name: _rocksure_session
Purpose: This cookie is essential for our site to function and provides a session identifier. It does not necessarily identify you if you are merely visiting the Rocksure site.
Type: Session

Cookie Name: remember_user_token
Purpose: For logged in users, provides a unique session identifier for authentication
Type: Persistent

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit or


How To Contact Us

If you have queries or concerns about our use of personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing to:

Rocksure Group Limited
Unti 9, Cirencester Office Park, Tetbury Road
Glos, GL7 6JJ, UK

We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Policy Statement

Last Updated: 8th Nov 2023